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Exclusive interview with Aurora Lichtwerke for Markt&Technik

Lighting the future to protect health and improve quality of life In an exclusive interview for Markt&Technik, Thomas Walentowski (Aurora Lichtwerke) describes the direction the world of lighting has already taken and that the basic requisite when choosing lighting devices…


Biovitae in DESIGN di Repubblica

Biovitae is the only sanitizing light technology that kills (not inactivate) all microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, funghi, spores and moulds) that is completely safe for living beings because it only uses frequencies on the visible spectrum (UV-Free). La Repubblica Design 14Apr2021  


HIEx Annual Event 2020-Mark your calendars and see BIOVITAE at pag 8

HEALTH INNOVATION EXCHANGE Building the future of global health through innovation While new solutions for health are emerging in different parts of the world, these do not always get adopted on scale to deliver impact. The disconnect between innovators and implementers needs to be bridged…

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