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HIEx Annual Event 2020-Mark your calendars and see BIOVITAE at pag 8

Building the future of global health through innovation

While new solutions for health are emerging in different parts of the world, these do not always get adopted on scale to deliver impact.

The disconnect between innovators and implementers needs to be bridged by a neutral facilitator that can connect across countries and

sectors for health impact. The Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx) identifies challenges faced by implementers and connects 

them with innovations that have high potential for impact. It also links with investors to scale up the efforts and develop sustainable solutions.

The HIEx builds upon and shares the expertise of countries, global health actors, innovators, communities and the private sector and advocates

for indigenous solutions, local production and multi-sectoral partnerships. Launched by UNAIDS in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2019, the

HIEx is a global entity founded on a shared commitment that no one is left behind in the journey towards the SDGs. The HIEx forges

a community of political leaders, decision makers, health experts, technology and science leaders, innovators, investors, accelerators and

implementers and all those who can share, explore and synergize efforts for sustainable impact.

The Health Innovation Exchange is about:

  •  Creating connections between innovations ecosystems and health leaders
  • Access to new technology and innovative solutions responding to pain points identified by countries
  • Ensuring that  investments deliver for countries, communities and people
  • Driving  impact for the SDGs

download the complete booklet at the link:

Health Innovation Exchange 2020 – Innovations Booklet

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